Occasional items of inspiration by Pastor Kelly Carner

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Storyteller

It's Christmas - time.  Time - to tell the story of Christmas. 

No...not the story of crushing lines at Walmart, nor the story of a great meal prepared.  This is the time to tell the story of Jesus.

Remember this..."I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.  I love to tell the story...because I know 'tis true..."

Is this true for you?  I like to tell a good story...it's a lost art.  What if we told a good story...in the community of faith.  Remember - we used to tell stories ...some would call them testimonies.

Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

"They triumphed over him,  By the blood of the Lamb, And by the word of their testimony..."

Sharing our faith, "our story" publicly is a step in spiritual growth and personal ministry. There is a great peace and joy that comes by honoring God with your life and your words.  You are The storyteller.

We build up the church when we hear about God's working among His people. We gain strength from hearing about how God saw someone through a challenge. Our faith grows and our doubts are dealt with.  Our stories build the body of believers.

The listener who identifies says, “Their story sounds like my story.”  In some way our lives connect with the storyteller.  Somehow what was shared gives hope where the listener thought there was no hope. They are not alone, they know now. Someone else has been through what they are going through.

"I don't know Jesus..." proclaims the listener who is lost.  If I don't know Jesus, I have now heard how I could know Him. If I have not heard about how he can change lives, now I have heard it is possible. If all I have known about Jesus was political or tainted in some way, I can now balance that out with a true story according to a person like me.

Tell the story of Christmas...."because we know it's true...."

And by the way...I'm just sayin'.

See Ya' Soon!


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