The events of the last few days prevented me from sending this early...but I did not it is...
Right up front I will apologize that this is longer than usual.
Worship. Contemporary, traditional, lights on / lights off, loud or soft, beat box or drums, one song sang for 10 minutes or five songs sang for 20...
Whether you define worship as the entire Sunday Morning service - or a portion of the service...worship connects us to God.
Worship is one gift that he who has nothing can give to Him who owns everything” (Mark 12:30).
I know when you think of me, you don't think soft and fuzzy (at least you better not!) But there is a side to me that goes beyond mere desire and runs head long into passion and that is the side that says fall at His feet and worship Him. In July, 1995 - I wrote the following ... During a Sunday morning worship service.
Last Sunday's Worship
It was better last Sunday,
Than it was today.
Something about the service,
Did we forget to pray?
Last Sunday, the church was ready,
People came to praise the Lord.
But, then, that was last Sunday...
Today - the church seemed bored.
During prayer last Sunday,
Many came forward to pray.
Today, from our soft and cushioned pews,
We Would not begin to stray.
Worship came last Sunday,
God's people did rejoice.
But, then, that was last Sunday
And today, worship was just a choice.
Last Sunday the choir sang,
"I was there when the spirit came..."
And "Something About That Name."
But, today, in our just wasn't the same.
The art of song and music
Has seemed to take the place
Of singing songs to Jesus
...about His amazing grace.
Let's talk about Jesus
The words of the songs did say.
But no one seemed to talk to him,
So Jesus went away.
What about our worship today,
Did we give to Him our all?
Did we hear the Spirit beckon...
Did we return the Savior's call?
How often do we think of Sunday,
The worship that lies ahead?
Do we Dare to ask this question...
"Lord, was it My spirit that was dead?"
Something to think about when you're just sayin.'
Have a great Thanksgiving - and we will see you on Sundee! (Sunday for Lil' Kel)