Occasional items of inspiration by Pastor Kelly Carner

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Are you tired?

Worn Out?


...just plain Grumpy?

Then you need....Pastor Kelly's ...  Poly unsaturated, quick dissolving, fast acting, pleasant tasting ...green and purple pills - some call them M  &  M's.

What "WE" need is a heaping, helping, healthy dose of the  "BE" attitudes...

B  lessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is The Kingdom

ndeavor always to be humble

A  ttitude of gratitude

T  hirsting for righteousness

I  ngesting His Word

T  ruth fulfilled

U  nending are His mercies

D  esiring all to be saved

E  ternal life for His children

S  alvation of our souls!

Choose to "B" 2Day ...no worries - just checking my texting skills.

See You Tonight - -and -- you know I'm Just Sayin.'
