Occasional items of inspiration by Pastor Kelly Carner

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


C.H.A.O.S....it means something different for each of us.  How is it that we can find God in all things? Yet Peter did!

Peter was doing just fine walking on the water, even as rough as it must have been beneath him. Yep', just fine...until he let himself focus on the strength of the storm. So...

1. Ignore the wind and waves
2. Call, loudly, to Jesus for help.
3. Grab the hand that reaches out.

Whatever the chaos in our lives -- let us hear together the sound of the voice of Jesus, listen, He speaks...right here, right now...the storm begins to die down, the waters begin to subside...He speaks again, "Take courage, do not be afraid, it is I....I am with you." (Matthew 14:27)

C - Christ
H - Has
A - All
O - Our
S - Solutions   ... Dare we say..."Bring on the Storm!"

...and once again I ... Am just sayin'

See Ya Sunday.
