Occasional items of inspiration by Pastor Kelly Carner

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bumping into Jesus!

Somehow, Somewhere, Sometime and at some place... this woman heard about Jesus. Maybe she had heard how He had healed that leper, (Mark 1:40-42) Maybe she had heard about that crazy dude just across the lake. (Mark 5:1-20)

Really, we have no idea what she had heard but there is little doubt that she had heard about the power of His touch.

Regardless of what she heard about Him, she knew she had to get to Him. She had come to realize that Jesus was her only hope! She believed with all her heart that if she could just get to Him, she would be healed.

She had to be determined, because by the very nature of her disease, it would have taken all the energy she had to drag herself out of her bed and struggle through that crowd to get to Jesus. She was desperate!

Have we reached that place...are we desperate... to just "bump" in to Jesus? There were tons of people touching Him and bumping into Him that day (v. 31,) but her touch was different...

That day many touched Jesus, but only one touched Him with the fingers of faith!

Many touched Jesus...but only one was completely transformed...why? Because she did whatever she had to do to touch Jesus! Will we?

In the crowd of life, the hustle. the hurried, the too busy for this...we have a choice - bump up against Jesus and whisper a quick, "excuse me," - or- run into Jesus and hold onto Him...with the fingers of faith.

... and surely you know by now...

I'm Just Sayin',


P.S. - too those who are receiving Just Sayin' for the first time - welcome, we're glad to have you.