Occasional items of inspiration by Pastor Kelly Carner

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Shhhh...can you hear it?  Whispering.  I can't stand whispering, mostly because I can't understand it, people get way to close to my bubble and want to "tell" me something.  They want no one else to hear so they whisper.

Here's a thought is Jesus whispering to you...or does it only sound like a whisper?  You see I wonder if sometimes we don't follow Jesus from such a distance that His voice can barely be heard.

So instead of the bold proclamation to the disciples found in Mark 1:17 "Come..follow me..." we wander around a little because we weren't close enough to hear!

Following closely enough behind Jesus to hear what he is "always" saying is critical to our lives and our faith.

When we don't hear Him clearly...we don't _________________ (fill free to fill in the blank.)

Abraham, listened, Genesis 12: 1-3 ...  He is often called the father of faith.

Moses, listened, Exodus 12:31-42 ... He became a great example to Joshua.

If we make following Jesus our top priority we will always be close enough to hear the whispers.

And yep...I'm just sayin.'

See Ya...
